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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 CERTAIN Slovenian National Workshop: Research projects in the field of road transport in need for more financial support from the state 25.05.2009

The Slovenian CERTAIN seminar finished successfully on May 7. It focused on the presentation of results from EU co-funded projects in the field of road infrastructure. It was organized by ZAG Ljubljana, the coordinator of CERTAIN. The seminar was held in Bled as one of the 6 similar events performed in mother languages of the hosting country. Most presentations were held in Slovenian language (with two of them in Croatian and one in Serbian) and were intended for to the non-expert public. (more)

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 South Africa’s CSIR elected as 32nd FEHRL national institute 22.05.2009

Meeting in Brno, Czech Republic, the General Assembly of FEHRL this week elected the CSIR as an Associate of FEHRL.  This important step in FEHRL’s cooperation with CSIR builds on the long-established links with both FEHRL and its members.  These links were demonstrated through strong support of an associate status with the application sponsored by DVS Rijkswaterstaat, VTI, IBDiM and NPRA.  The active participation will be ensured through the Transport Infrastructure Research Group of CSIR Built Environment.

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 Brno commitment for better mobility in Europe’s urban areas 22.05.2009

Together with the Chairmen of ECTRI, EURNEX and Humanist,  FEHRL President, Claude Van Rooten, signed the Brno Commitment on Research and Innovation for Urban Mobility.  Bringing together the key research organisations in the field of urban transport,  the signatories commit themselves to work with the relevant stakeholders, municipalities and regions, European Commission and the private sector to tackle the key challenges of sustainable urban transport.

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 EIT calls for experts 15.05.2009

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has announced its call for independent experts opening on Thursday 14 May 2009. The call is addressed to individuals for the establishment of a database of independent experts to provide expertise in support of evaluations and of implementation of the EIT and of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). All information will be available as of 14 May 2009 on the Experts page at:

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 Research Connection 2009: science partners link-up at year’s biggest event 11.05.2009

Thousands of researchers, companies and successful projects gathered to see what has been achieved in the past year, and to plan and network for next year’s great science and research projects. FEHRL's booth was actively visited, and not only for the nice view on Prague or to play with the cars on our ever-popular bridge! Posters and videos presented the FP7 projects Direct-Mat, Re-road and Tyrosafe as well as the FP6 projects CERTAIN, HeavyRoute, Arches and Spens.

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