Final WATMOVE workshop |
22.06.2007 |
The COST Action 351 on Water Movements in Road Pavements and Embankments (WATMOVE) has completed its tasks with a final workshop in Athens. The project team presented many aspects of their work which focussed on the problems and solutions of water within road infrastructure and its immediate effects on the surroundings. Specific considerations concerned the challenges faced by road operators in complying with the European Directive on Groundwater quality. A book setting out the state-of-the-art in the topic will be published soon.
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Climate Change Workshop - 12th June 07 - Brussels |
15.06.2007 |
Presentations from the successful workshop "Adapting Europe's roads for climate change" are now available under the Activities tab in Workshops. |
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Call for abstracts. |
28.02.2007 |
The Third International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing. 1-3 October 2008- Madrid, Spain. |
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FEHRL team awarded key EEA framework agreement |
29.01.2007 |
A consortium led by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) has been awarded a four-year European Environment Agency (EEA) framework agreement to provide expert assistance in the area of transport, emissions and the environment. FEHRL members TRL and VTI (the Swedish National Road and Transport Institute) will work together with FEHRL itself (and its other members ) and the UK’s Oxford University Centre for the Environment (OUCE). |
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Polish and Slovenian staff at the FEHRL office |
08.01.2007 |
Nina Gartner and Monika Kowalska-Sudyka joined the FEHRL Office at the beginning of January 2007. They were assigned a four-month secondment to learn about our activities in Brussels and work with fellow project managers and research developers. The training is part of the FP6 CERTAIN project and they will work closely with the European Commission.
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