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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 Fifth issue of FIRM: FEHRL celebrates its 25th anniversary 05.12.2014

Fifth issue of FEHRL Infrastructure Research Magazine (FIRM) focuses on FEHRL 25th anniversary and end of project for TRIMM, INCRIS and SMARTRAIL

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 Final TRIMM newsletter now published in November 2014 30.11.2014

Final TRIMM newsletter now published with final conference, national workshops and final report information

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 FEHRL's SERRP V now published in Ukrainian 30.11.2014

Ukrainian version of Strategic European Road Research V (SERRP V) is one of key outputs of just completed INCRIS project

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 Fifth and final INCRIS newsletter now published for end of project 29.11.2014

 INCRIS newsletter for November 2014 available with final project event information.

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 Sophie Leclercq starts work as part-time intern at FEHRL 28.11.2014

Sophie to focus on the FEHRL Institute report and best practice guide for national road research organisations

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