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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 TYROSAFE Youtube Video Competition 2009 Launched 19.06.2009

TyroSafe is sponsoring an online video competition to highlight the importance and raise awareness about the interactions between tyres, roads and safety. The "Tyrosafe Video Competition" is now open for submissions and will close on 26 February 2010. For full competition details, please go to the dedicated Tyrosafe website. Competition entries must be submitted on the Tyrosafe Youtube Channel.

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 DG TREN Communication on the future of transport 18.06.2009

The Commission has launched a reflection on the updating of its Transport policy, which included external studies evaluating past policies and defining future scenarios, as well as consultations with experts and stakeholders through specialised focus groups and through a high level stakeholders’ conference. The ideas put forward in this Communication are meant to stimulate further debate aimed at identifying policy options, without prejudging the formulation of concrete proposals in the next White Paper of 2010.

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 Young Researchers Seminar 2009 11.06.2009

The Young Researchers Seminar 2009 took place on 3-5 June 2009 in Torino, Italy. The three YRS09 winners will be automatic finalists of the YEAR2010 project (Young European Arena of Research), a competition for early-stage researchers who are doing research in the area of surface transport. This event will take place during the TRA2010 Conference in Brussels, in June next year. We encourage all the young researchers to participate to this competition: submit your abstracts before 1 March 2010 at

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 PPP InfoDay on 13 July 2009 11.06.2009

As part of the European Economic Recovery Plan, the Commission is launching three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in close cooperation with industry on "Factories of the Future", "Energy-efficient Buildings" and "Green Cars" to provide EUR 3.2 billion of support for long-term "smart" research investment in the manufacturing, construction and automotive sectors.

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 FINAL AGENDA for HeavyRoute final Seminar, 9-10 June 2009 29.05.2009

The HEAVYROUTE project will present its final results at the HEAVYROUTE FINAL SEMINAR taking place in Brussels on 9-10 June 2009. The FINAL AGENDA Invitation is now available (please click on the title) or you can also find it posted on the knowledge center. To register, please go to the dedicated web page.

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