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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 Road Transport Contributing to a Sustainable Society 14.06.2006
The second day of the Göteborg 2006 Transport Research Arena opened today with a keynote session on developing the future of road transport.  In a detailed and thought-provoking presentation, the FEHRL President - Mr Jorgen Christensen - examined the role of research in preparing for change in the road transort system.  Developing concepts expanded in FEHRL’s Vision 2025, he described a series of scenarios of the future and the role that research must play.   He concluded by examining how road infrastructure will need to be defined in the future.
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 First TRA brings together all major stakeholders in the future of European Road Transport 13.06.2006
The first Transport Research Arena (TRA) was launched today in Göteborg by Ingemar Skogö, the Director-General of the Swedish Road Administration.  European Commissioner Potocnik added his wholehearted welcome of  the joint initiative of ERTRAC, CEDR and the Commission and promised greater support for Road Transport Research.  The Chairman of CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads), Jón Rögnvaldsson, and  Chairman of ERTRAC, Rudi Kunze responded by demonstrating the continued aligment within the road transport research community.
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 Strengthening cooperation with India, South Africa, China and Brazil 08.06.2006
The first steering meeting of the SIMBA project was held in Brussels on June 6th.  SIMBA is an initiative supported by the EC to promote research cooperation between the EU and targeted developing nations.  During the first meeting,  a number of opportunities were investigated for common research topics.  From the FEHRL team, Akram Ahmedi (TRL) will be leading activities with India and South Africa. Dr Marianne Grauers (VTI) who recently attended a successful workshop in Shanghai will be responsible for developing activities with China.
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 Prof. Dariusz Sybilski strengthens Executive Committee 20.05.2006

At our recent General Assembly in Ljubljana, Professor Dariusz Sybilski was elected to the  FEHRL Executive Committee (FEC).    Prof Sybilski is the Deputy Director of IBDiM, the Polish Road and Bridge Research Institute.   As well as adding his managerial experience to the strength of the FEC,  he has considerable technical expertise in Pavement Technology.  He will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in building FEHRL’s portfolio of activities with the public and industry sectors.

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 FEHRL in CVIS project to develop enabling technologies for greater transport efficiency 16.03.2006
The new EC-supported CVIS integrated project kicked-off on March 14th 2006 with a two-day meeting in Brussels. With a 41€ million budget distributed over four years, the project will focus on cooperative vehicle infrastructure systems, technologies, combinations and scenarios that offer the greatest potential, and can be best exploited for traffic management and information systems.
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