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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 EC seeks views on new TEN-T policy for meeting future challenges 06.02.2009

The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper setting out the future challenges of its policy for a trans-European transport network (TEN-T). The aim is for the policy to be realigned to contribute more effectively to objectives aimed at combating climate change and to support Europe's increasing international role through better infrastructure connections with its neighbours and the wider world.

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 FEHRL at 88th TRB (Washington) 03.02.2009

FEHRL and member institutes maintained a high profile during the 88th Transportation Research Board meeting in Washington (11th-15th January).   A centre-point of the activities was the FEHRL exhibition stand which attracted considerable interest and was a meeting point for FEHRL.   A number of presentations were given by attending FEHRL institute staff  and the Secretariat.


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 Long Life Pavements (phase3)- Field Trials - call for participants 07.01.2009

The 3rd phase of the Long Life Pavements project that will start this year, requires that several countries take an active role such as constructing roads using epoxy asphalt and high performance cementitious materials. Countries that are ready to take part in the project, and in particular countries that will be able to construct, in 2009-2010, test field sections of road using these materials should apply by January 31st 2009.

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 DIRECT-MAT project kicks off 01.01.2009

On January 1st the FP7 project DIRECT-MAT (DIsmantling and RECycling Techniques for road MATerials – sharing knowledge and practices) started. In this 1,2 M€ project twenty partners from fifteen countries cooperate to build a web database and to draft Best Practice guides that will facilitate the sharing of national experiences on dismantling and recycling or safe disposal of road materials.

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 Teaming-up for European Surface Transport research- Lyon Declaration 11.12.2008

At a ceremony attended by senior EC and Member State officials,  FEHRL’s President, Claude Van Rooten, joined with other surface transport research organisations in signing a major declaration.  The Lyon Declaration commits the signatories to work together to consolidate surface transport research.

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