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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 VTI partakes in largest road and railway technology research programme ever in Sweden 25.10.2011

FEHRL Research Coordinator Gunilla Franzén of VTI is excited about new challenge of five years of research

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 FEHRL President Joris Al bids farewell to FEHRL Director Dr. Peter Reichelt 25.10.2011

On 21st October 2011, FEHRL member BASt bid farewell to its President Dr. Peter Reichelt and welcomed in Stefan Strick as new President.

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 Pilot4Safety to feature in European Parliament seminar on 22nd November 2011 24.10.2011

Local road infrastructure safety management in Europe seminar on 22nd November 2011 to feature Pilot4Safety project

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 FeRRM11 Forever Open Road presentation available for download 21.10.2011

FEHRL Secretary General Steve Phillips closes FeRRM 11 Meeting on 19th October 2011 with an update on Forever Open Road.

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 SMARTrail project holds kick-off meeting in Dublin 15.10.2011

Some 39 participants participate in kick-off meeting.

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