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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 National Tender on Energy Saving Questionnaire 22.02.2010

Israel National Roads CompanyIsrael National Roads Company is preparing a national tender on energy saving. They are requesting assistance in gathering details on similar projects conducted worldwide. Topics of specific interest include, electronic dimmable ballast positioned in the lighting poles to dim the light power; controller in the lighting switchboard; a communication system and a central control system. Please fill out the questionnaire and return your inputs directly to Ruth Lancet [].

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 DG TREN becomes DG ENER and DG MOVE 22.02.2010

DG's Energy and TransportCurrently known as DG TREN, European transport policy and European energy policy has now split and each will carry their own DG and Director General. As a result, DG Eneregy will now become “DG ENER”, and DG Mobility and Transport will become “DG MOVE” (Mobiliteit en Vervoer). In addition to the new structure, the unit responsible for state aid has been moved to the Directorate-General for Competition, while EGNOS and Galileo are now part of the Directorate-General for Enterprise.

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 Dr Ian McCrae 1964 - 2010 22.02.2010

With regret we announce the passing of Dr. Ian McCrae who died suddenly on Friday, 12 Feburary 2010. Ian was Project manager of the FEHRL Scientific Board for the Rijkwaterstaat Air Quality Innovation programme and a member of the FEHRL Air Quality Working Group.  He also assisted with FEHRL's input to ERTRAC's Strategic Research Agenda and in project development. Our thoughts and wishes go out to Ian's family and friends. A Memorial Page where messages of tribute can be left, has been arranged by TRL.

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 CALL: Effective asset management meeting future challenges 29.01.2010

DRIThe Danish Road Directorate (DRD) has announced the launch of a call for proposals opening today, 29 January 2010. The jointly funded programme of research on road infrastructure asset management is supported by thirteen European Road Directorates. “Effective asset management meeting future challenges” is a cross-border funded, trans-national joint research programme that was initiated by ERA-NET ROAD II (ENR2). The overall aim of the joint research programme is to improve the management of the European road network.

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 Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010 27.01.2010

cooperative mobility showcase 2010 The final results of the EU-supported R&D projects CVIS (of which FEHRL is a partner), SAFESPOT and COOPERS will be presented during the Cooperative Mobility Showcase 2010, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 23-26 March 2010. The Showcase consists of three linked events, a conference on the theme of cooperative mobility, live demonstrations on roads and highways in and around Amsterdam, and the i&CDrive thematic exhibition. For more information, download the Conference Flyer and the preliminary Conference programme.

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