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  Noise is an important factor to be considered when it comes to developing, upgrading, and maintaining national road networks in Europe. Examples of such activities are included in this report. In some EU member states, significant financial resources are used to incorporate noise abatement measures into the development or upgrading of national roads. Therefore, there is a need to optimise and improve the way such resources are used. One way to ensure this is to encourage member states to share experiences on how noise and noise mitigation measures are treated in each individual member state. The Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) included the task 'To reduce road traffic noise' (Task C 3) in its Strategic Plan 2005-2009 [1]. Each CEDR member state was invited to appoint a member to the CEDR noise group. One of the main objectives of the CEDR noise group was to facilitate knowledge sharing on noise management and abatement issues among European national road administrations (NRAs). In order to reach these objectives, a comprehensive survey questionnaire was prepared and a survey was carried out on how noise issues are treated in NRAs around Europe. Based on legislative relevance criteria and prevailing significant noise issues, the following subject areas were selected for consideration. 1. Noise regulations for new and existing roads 2. Responsibility and noise management where community developments impact noise levels 3. Integration of noise in road maintenance 4. Noise abatement measures 5. Construction noise 6. Working with the European Noise Directive (END) 7. Communication of noise-related matters to the public This report contains the findings of the survey, based on the responses received from 20 CEDR member states during the winter of 2006–07. Due to the progression of noise developments in Europe, it was deemed by the group that the information pertaining to the END Directive was obsolete and no longer relevant to the objectives of the CEDR strategy. The primary aim of this report is to make practical knowledge sharing on noise abatement and practical management of noise-related issues possible between the NRAs. It is hoped that this report will give member states the impetus to adopt an even more advanced approach to the treatment of noise and noise abatement measures in Europe. This should allow people who live in close proximity to road networks and are impacted by noise to benefit from such improved innovations.
content link: http://www.cedr.fr/home/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/2010/e%20Road%20noise.pdf
content language: English
English summary: no
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created: Sylvia Derveaux, 14.06.2010 17:36:42
last modified: Sylvia Derveaux, 15.06.2010 15:05:12