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HERMES final report     4.4 8161 27.06.2014
  HERMES – “Harmonization of European Routine and research Measuring Equipment for Skid Resistance” was a FEHRL-funded pre-normative project that aimed to lay the foundations for consistent European standardisation of skid resistance measurement on roads and runways. Underlying the work was the idea that the project should give the initial impetus to the implementation of a common scale of friction, the so-called EFI (European Friction Index), together with an associated harmonis ...[more]
SILENCE Report of promising new road surfaces     4 7555 15.04.2011
  This part of the SILENCE project considers the integral design and maintenance of lower noise road surfaces in urban areas. Particular attention is given to surfacing technologies that are appropriate for use in congested streets containing road features such as inspection covers or suffer from frequent interventions due to sub-surface street works. Also new surface types will be developed for use on roads for medium to high speed traffic with speeds of 50 to 100 km/h, which are typical for ci ...[more]
Guidance for the optimal assessment of highway structures     4.5 7410 04.05.2011
  This Guidance for the optimal assessment of highway structures was prepared by the Work Package 15 of the SAMARIS project with the objective to give some instructions on how to improve procedures used for assessment of highway structures, especially bridges. Apart from the overview on condition assessment procedures used in different European countries, the major focus of the report is on the chapter on structural safety assessment where the most important results of the research are presented. ...[more]
New Road Construction Concepts - Final Report     4.75 11073 10.03.2010
  The NR2C objectives were firstly to provide a long term vision of the road infrastructure and secondly to develop specific innovations in three fields: urban infrastructure, interurban infrastructure and bridges. NR2C has developed long-term perspectives, concrete pilot projects and research recommendations, linking long-term visions and ideas to short-term actions. A vision reflecting society’s perception of road infrastructure in the year 2040 forms the basis of NR2C’s aim to ide ...[more]
Road Infrastructure: The backbone of Transport System     3.75 6773 10.05.2011
  The DG Research study was published for TRA2008. In this publication, the strategies and objectives from FP5, through FP6 to FP7 are reviewed. Looking at the projects related to road infrastructure, the report presents the evolution of the importance of the infrastructure themes throughout the programmes. ...[more]
COST 345 - Procedures Required for the Assessment of Highway Structures     4.67 7199 29.01.2009
  Because there has been no substantial effort to develop common standards for the maintenance of highway structures, COST Action 345 was undertaken to describe current European practice on the inspection, assessment, maintenance and repair of the stock of in-service highway structures. Information on the stock of highway structures and current expenditure levels was obtained and requirements for future work were defined. A reliable, integrated system of inspection, assessment and maintenance is r ...[more]
State of the art report on assessment of structures in selected EEA and CE countries     3.5 6962 04.05.2011
  This report gives an overview of situation on structural, mainly bridge assessment techniques in different European countries. It covers four technical chapters: a) Survey of the questionnaires, b) Condition Assessment, c) Loading, and d) Structural Safety. Chapter on the survey of questionnaires summarises answers from six countries, four of which were the New Member States (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia). Chapters of the report summarise information on road system, br ...[more]
Final report for the ICT for Clean & Efficient Mobility Working Group     0 7239 09.03.2010
  This report presents a review of the wide range of Green ITS already available or under development that can have a significant impact on road transport energy efficiency and emissions of pollutants and CO2. It is a summary of the results of Working Group meetings and other inputs from the Working Group members. ...[more]
UK Low Carbon Transport Innovation Strategy     5 7429 02.11.2009
  The LCTIS, which is being published at the same time as the UK Government’s Energy White Paper, sets out an overall framework through which the UK will encourage innovation and technology development in lower carbon transport technologies. It also contains specific chapters on the road, aviation, rail and maritime sectors - setting out in detail the technologies that can contribute to lower carbon transport and the steps the Government is taking to encourage them. ...[more]
Intelligent monitoring of jack-arch structures: the results of a preliminary study     0 6990 18.04.2011
  In this TRL study, a cast iron beam, instrumented with deflection gauges, strain gauges and two acoustic monitoring systems, was subjected to a series of load cycles. The aim of the test programme was to determine whether acoustic emission (AE) techniques could be used to form the basis of an intelligent monitoring system. The results support the view that AE was generated by a load-related mechanism - most likely due to micro-cracking of the cast iron - and so AE techniques might indeed form th ...[more]
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