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TRL548 Vehicle-activated signs - a large scale evaluation     0 4834 23.04.2009
  There is an established, positive relationship between vehicle speeds and road accidents. On rural roads, driving too fast for the conditions is more likely to be a factor in accidents than exceeding the speed limit. Encouraging drivers to drive at suitable speeds for the conditions is particularly important, since driver error is the major contributory factor in 95 per cent of accidents. A range of rural road safety engineering measures, in particular vehicle-activated signing, has been develop ...[more]
TRL639 Guidance on the development assessment and maintenance of long-life flexible pavements     0 5532 01.04.2010
  The report provides guidance on the construction, assessment and maintenance of pavements that are not expected to experience structural deterioration, commonly referred to as long-life pavements. In order to apply the long-life pavement concept to a wider range of pavements, the concept of robust pavements has been introduced. Robust pavements are expected to deteriorate in a similar fashion and demonstrate similar characteristics to long-life pavements, with the exception that they can be thin ...[more]
TRL636 The application of Enrobe a Module Eleve in flexible pavements     0 6518 23.04.2009
  An investigation was carried out into the properties and performance of a high modulus asphalt material designed using the French design method with ingredients readily available in the UK. The asphalt material, known as Enrobe a Module Eleve (EME) Class 2, was evaluated under full-scale loading in the Pavement Test Facility (PTF) at TRL. Two test sections were constructed using full-scale plant to provide a direct comparison of the performance of an EME binder course with that of a heavy duty m ...[more]
State of the art report of structures in selected EEA and CE countries     0 4456 04.05.2011
  This report was prepared as an overview of situation on structural, mainly bridge assessment techniques used in different European countries. It covers four technical chapters: a) Survey of the questionnaires, b) Condition Assessment, c) Loading, and d) Structural Safety. Results of the surveys presented in this report were used for preparation of another deliverable of the SAMARIS project, the D30 - Guidance for the optimal assessment of highway structures. ...[more]
COST ACTION 343     0 4329 04.05.2009
  COST: European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. This Final Report documents the findings of COST Action 343 ‘Reduction in Road Closures by Improved Pavement Maintenance Procedures’. The Action was conceived to address the issue of road closures for pavement maintenance purposes, with the aim to provide the means to generate savings for the road users in terms of reduced delays and increased road safety. Procedures were developed that facilitate r ...[more]
Procedures Required for the Assessment of Highway Structures     5 4296 04.05.2009
  This highway network is currently the most important part of the land transport infrastructure in the EU, and the proper upkeep of the stock of structures on the network is crucial to its efficient operation. Whilst considerable effort has in recent decades been put into the development of new standards and codes for the design of new structures, comparatively little has been done on the development of guidance documents covering the assessment of existing structures. This European Commission Ac ...[more]
New Developments for Winter Service on European Roads     0 4357 05.05.2009
  Roads are of outmost importance for mobility of people and transport of goods throughout Europe. Experts believe that up to 50% of the total maintenance budget is spent on winter maintenance in many European countries. It therefore has a high significance not only in keeping roads, cycle tracks and footways free from ice and snow but also in matters of pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety. COST Action 353 „ winter service strategies for increased European road safety” started in Ap ...[more]
FILTER - Theoretical Study of Indices     0 4619 04.05.2009
  This report is concerned with Tasks 3 and 5 of the FILTER project. The aim of Task 3 is “to compare the data processing methods”. The task has been subdivided into a comparison of longitudinal processing methods and a comparison of transverse processing methods. TRL have carried out the comparison of longitudinal processing methods; this work is reported in Section 2. The comparison of transverse processing methods has not been done for the reasons given in Section 3. The aim of ...[more]
FILTER Experiment - Analysis of Transverse Measurements     0 4564 04.05.2009
  This report presents the analysis results of the transverse profile measurement data collected during the FILTER experiment. The primary purpose of this analysis is to determine the repeatability, the reproducibility and the accuracy of the measurements. Great care has been exercised in order to check and validate the data both by the participants and by us. Despite this, applying the ISO 5725 standard resulted in the detection of a very significant proportion of outlying results with most ...[more]
FILTER - Inventory of High-speed Longitudinal and Transverse Road Eveness Measuring Equipment in Europe     0 4635 04.05.2009
  This work is part of FILTER, the FEHRL Investigation on Longitudinal and Transverse Evenness of Roads, which aims at providing European highway research laboratories and standardisation bodies with the knowledge required to harmonise the methods of measuring and assessing road evenness. ...[more]
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