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The project deals with drainage and drainage systems on or near road network in lowland areas e.g. The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and UK. The result of the project is guidelines on two levels: primarily on the overall level with purpose of finding places on the existing network which should obtain high priority in order to get best use of limited financial resources. Secondly guidelines on a more detailed level when preliminary studies and decisions should be taken, and when necessary initiatives should be undertaken on the chosen places to avoid or limit consequences of flooding.

Two reports (Guidelines) are the result of the project and will be published on websites of the Danish Road Directorate (DRD, DRI) and Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and the ENR website.

The results will be presented at conferences in Europe. The preliminary results from the project work will be prepared in papers for TRA 2010 in Brussels, Vejforum 2010 in Denmark and Transport forum 2011 in Linkoping.

Besides this activity, articles will be prepared for international journals and in the partner’s countries to disseminate to local road owners and on the ENR website.

content link: http://www.fehrl.org/index.php?m=32&mode=download&id_file=10605
content language: English
English summary: no
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created: Sylvia Derveaux, 04.05.2011 09:07:18
last modified: Sylvia Derveaux, 04.05.2011 09:09:13