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  The project had five specific objectives relating to theoretical, practical and longer-term aspects of harmonising skid resistance measurements in Europe, namely: 1. To improve the model on which EFI is based, which relates the friction coefficient to the measurement speed, slip ratio and road surface texture, by taking account of recent developments in this field. 2. To demonstrate the reliability and feasibility of the procedure proposed by CEN/TC227/WG5 for inter-laboratory calibrations of the various devices used in Europe. 3. To produce a revised draft standard incorporating the findings from items 1 & 2. 4. To provide FEHRL with a practical scheme for setting up an organisation for the calibration of skid resistance devices in Europe. 5. To submit draft specifications for a reference device and/or reference surfaces to the member laboratories of FEHRL with a view to developing the next generation of standards.
content link: http://www.fehrl.org/index.php?m=32&mode=download&id_file=1707
content language: English
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29.12.2009 Haider, Manfred tyrosafe relevant
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 pavement engineering
 road surface properties
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