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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 Forever Open Road Newsletter #1 07.10.2010

"Redefining Highway Transport" - The 1st Newsletter (.pdf) presents the project developments, structure, real-life technology trials, and introduces the Forever Open Road (FOR)  Champions. An initiative of FEHRL, the FOR concept will bring together existing, innovative technologies and systems from across Europe to develop and share the practical and tested solutions to the needs of road infrastructure network management. This editions Technology Trials: Rejuvenating and Induction Healing of Porous Asphalt, Noise Reducing Road Pavements, Sensor Technique for Continuous and Durable Temperature Measurements, and Geothermal Energy Supply to Prevent Icing.

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 European Standard for ITS Communications Architecture published by ETSI 04.10.2010

A major milestone in ITS related standardisation has been achieved with the publication of the European Standard for ITS Communications Architecture. The CVIS project, with FEHRL as a partner, has contributed to the publication of "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Communications Architecture", along with the research projects COMeSafety, CVIS and GeoNet. This European Standard has been prepared in close cooperation with ISO TC 204 WG16, IEEE P1609, ERTICO. It is free for download at this link, ETSI EN 302 665 V1.1.1.

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 National Slovakian Group joins FEHRL 07.09.2010


FEHRL Slovakian members, Transport Research Institute - VUD, have formed a FEHRL National Group with the University of Žilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering. The representative of Žilina is Prof. Ján Čelko and Josef Komačka as Research Coordinator. This cooperation will aim to further strengthen the participation of Slovakia in the activities of FEHRL, maximising the contribution in FEHRL activities at National, European, and International level.

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 Are you interested in establishing contacts for one of the new 2011 FP7 EC calls? 30.08.2010

In order to establish interest and cooperation in the 2011 FP7 EC calls, FEHRL has organised a Registration Page where members can indicate their interests in proposals. This list will be used to help establish links between partners and put different interested experts in touch with each other to form successful proposals. It will also be used by the FEHRL office to help support different activities. A full list with information on the listed proposals is available here (.pdf). Please forward the page link to your colleagues.

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 Detra Project Kick-off 27.08.2010

Detra website The FP7 Coordination and Support action, DETRA (Developing the European Transport Research Alliance), kicked-off on June 1st 2010. Partners gathered in early June to set the groundwork for this €1,0M project. With Steve Phillips, FEHRL, as Project Coordinator, the alliance consists of the Lyon Declaration signatories - ECTRI, FERSI, FEHRL, EURNEX, HUMANIST, ISN and NEARCTIS. Addressing the Grand Challenges of the European Research Area objectives in transport, DETRA will produce five major outputs covering the main strategic issues to be addressed in shaping a coherent Transport ERA programme for 2020. The project will run for 28 months. For further information, please consult the Detra website:

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