PILOT4SAFETY Project Kick-off |
27.08.2010 |
PILOT4SAFETY is a €1.3M DG MOVE project that kicked off on 1 June 2010. Six partners from across Europe – ASTRAL, CDV, Generalitat de Catalunya, Prefecture of Thessaloniki, Randers Municipality, and FEHRL - are working together to contribute to the implementation of coherent safety procedures for the European road network, based on Directive 2008/96/CE of the European Parliament. In order to do so, this project is focusing on developing curricula and tools for the auditing and inspections of secondary roads in a group of EU Regions tailor made to the needs of regional/local authorities, as well as reaching an agreement between the involved regions about the acceptance of a common training curricula and the exchange of safety experts. Leading the project is Dr. Adewole Adesiyun from FEHRL. The project will run for 24 months. To keep up-to-date with this project’s developments, please consult the project website: http://pilot4safety.fehrl.org.
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Forever Open Road Programme Manager Appointed |
24.08.2010 |
Mr. Ruud Smit from The Netherlands, RWS DVS, has been appointed as the Forever Open Road Programme Manager. In this role, Mr Smit will work with the forum of FOR Champions to help build and sustain the FOR programme and the related events. The objectives are to get FOR on the move within the community of the FOR Champions themselves by the end of 2010; to broaden the participation in FOR from FEHRL members and other stakeholders in 2011 and to help the forum of FOR Champions in positioning FOR to the European Commission and Member States in order to secure FOR in FP8 and in ERANET-ROAD/TRANSPORT by 2013. This role will come into effect on 1 September 2010. Mr Smit will be working from the FEHRL office in Brussels, Belgium.
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FP7 - 2011 Work Programmes Published |
01.08.2010 |
The European Commission has published 51 new calls as part of the FP7 2011 work programmes. Some of these calls have been published on the FEHRL Opportunities page. For a full list of calls available, please visit the CORDIS website.
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Internet Consultation on the Seventh Framework Programme |
11.07.2010 |
EC DG Research has launched an open consultation as part of the Interim Evaluation of FP7. This exercise is to examine progress and provide recommendations to help both the implementation of FP7, as well as contributing ideas for the possible next Framework Programme.
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Forever Open Road in European Voice |
06.07.2010 |
A short article on FOR, entitled "Launch of new concept for Europe's road", was published in the 24 June 2010, European Voice, special report on Research. The European Voice is the main English language weekly newspaper in Brussels.
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