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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 EC Road Safety Newsletter published - PILOT4SAFETY 31.03.2010

ECThe first issue of the EC Road Safety Newsletter has been published on their website. The new FEHRL led project, PILOT4SAFETY receives an admirable mention. PILOT4SAFETY is a Pilot project for common EU Curriculum for Road Safety experts: training and application on Secondary Roads. Partners in the project include ASTRAL, CDV, Generalitat de Catalunya, Prefecture of Thessaloniki, and Randers Municipality. The EC publication is available in three languages, English(.pdf), French, or German.

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 Call for posters on Long Lived Bridges 29.03.2010

Authors are now invited to submit 200 word abstracts to by 17:00 Central European Time, on Friday 30th April 2010. Posters can be on any topic related to Long Lived Bridges, including, New, more durable materials for bridges, Non-destructive testing, and Reliability analysis and modelling. After the keynote presentations in the afternoon of Tuesday June 8th, delegates at the joint symposium will be invited to visit the poster session. Authors are requested to attend at that time to discuss the content of  their posters with delegates. For more detailed information about this call, please consult the announcement.

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 TYROSAFE Video Competition submission date extended 01.03.2010

TyroSafe is sponsoring an online video competition to highlight the importance and raise awareness about the interactions between tyres, roads and safety. The "Tyrosafe Video Competition" is open for submissions and will close on the extended date of March 31st, 2010. For full competition details, please go to the dedicated Tyrosafe website. Competition entries must be submitted on the Tyrosafe Youtube Channel.

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 REC - Veiligheidsuitrusting voor wegen 26.02.2010

BRRCVanaf maart start de Road Equipment Commission (REC-E226) opnieuw met een reeks infosessies over de praktische toepassing van de Europese normen voor veiligheidsconstructies voor wegen. De eerste sessie gaat door op 11 maart 2010 in het OCW auditorium in Sterrebeek. In de daarop volgende weken wordt het initiatief herhaald op verschillende plaatsen in België. Hier vindt u de praktische details, de planning en een inschrijvingsformulier. De deelname is kosteloos.

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 REC - Dispositifs de retenue routiers 26.02.2010

BRRCAu mois de mars, la Road Equipment Commission (REC-E226) débutera une nouvelle série de séances d'informations consacrées à l'application pratique des normes européennes relatives aux dispositifs de retenue routiers. La première séance se tiendra le 11 mars 2010 dans l'auditorium CRR de Sterrebeek. Dans les semaines qui suivront, cette initiative sera répétée à divers endroits en Belgique. Vous trouverez  ici les détails pratiques et le planning, ainsi qu'un formulaire d'inscription. La participation est gratuite.

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