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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 YEAR2010 Young Researchers Competition 26.01.2010

YEAR 2010YEAR2010, the Young European Arena of Research, is a scientific competition of young researchers (early-stage researchers) in the transportation field. YEAR2010 invites researchers to submit abstracts on-line through the following link before 1 March 2010. Fifty finalists will be chosen and will receive a cash prize of €200 each for their paper. They will also  be invited to attend the TRA2010 Conference in Brussels from 7-10 June 2010 to display their research in an exhibition space. For further information, please see the competition flyer.

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 TRA 2010 12.01.2010

TRA 2010 The third announcement for the Transport Research Arena, taking place June 7th-10th, 2010, is now available. If you would like to to attend, please see the TRA Brochure for the Final Invitation and Registration Form.

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 Dutch Air Quality Innovation Programme concluded 11.01.2010

RWS DWWThe Dutch Air Quality Innovation Programme has concluded after 5-years of research. This project was coordinated by Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands’ Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management. The findings of this project on measures to improve air quality along motorways are now ready for distribution. The know-how has been built up in the course of a series of unique and large-scale practical trials carried out under the innovation programme. The brochure is available here.

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 Establishing a new structure for transport research 10.01.2010

Formal presentation of the Lyon declaration to Commissioner for Research Janez Potocnik (left to right, Evangelos Bekiaris (CERTH/FERSI), Guy Bourgeois (ECTRI), Wolfgang Steinicke (EURNEX), Claude Van Rooten (FEHRL) and Janez Potocnik Together with its partner organisations in the Lyon Declaration, FEHRL has recently submitted its first report developed by a Joint Task Force on recommendations for the future of transport research.  This builds on the 2008 Lyon Declaration, where the signatories i.e ECTRI, FERSI, FEHRL, EURNEX, HUMANIST, ISN and NEARCTIS committed themselves to work together on the deepening the European Research Area objectives in transport in order to address the Grand Challenges. 

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 Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination Flyers 07.01.2010

CERTAINWithin work package 4 of the CERTAIN project, the main objective was to foster and organise clustering and knowledge sharing, support cohesion and promote excellence in Central and Eastern European Countries. The FEHRLopedia was developed to support this objective by providing a common place for dissemination and exploitation of results of clustered projects in all languages. For more information on how to use the FEHRLopedia, please see the newly  developed "FEHRLopedia Manual". In line with knowledge transfer and dissemination, a separate flyer on FEHRL’s practices, provides an overview of the different possibilities FEHRL has available in “Knowledge Dissemination and Trainings”.

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