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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 New Communication Officer at FEHRL 01.04.2011

Catherine Birkner has joined the FEHRL office as of Friday 1st April 2011 as Communication Officer to continue to develop and execute strategic communications initiatives in support of FEHRL's work. 

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 SKIDSAFE - Intensive course on Mechanics of Tire-Pavement Interaction 25.03.2011
Intensive course on Mechanics of Tire-Pavement Interaction taking place from the 26-28 September 2011 in Delft at the CiTG building of Delft University of Technology.


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 DETRA Workshop documents and presentation 23.03.2011

All the presentations and different documents are now available on the DETRA website.

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 European Best Practices in Road Safety in Athens 11.03.2011

FEHRL’s Deputy Secretary General, Dr Adewole Adesiyun, gave a presentation (Road Safety: The role of Infrastructure) at the recently held Road Safety Event in Athens.

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 Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe 11.03.2011

Transport researchers from the Western Balkans region are invited to join SEE - TRANS 2011: an event co-organised by WBC-INCO.NET in cooperation with ETNA (European Transport Network Alliance), the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia and the University of Maribor (TEC).


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