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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 EC consultation on a Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe 04.03.2011

Innovation Union 2020The European Commission is preparing a Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe as part of the resource-efficient Europe Flagship Initiative of the Europe 2020 Strategy.   They have launched a consultation to collect the views stakeholders on policy options for the Roadmap.  

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 DETRA workshop to discuss future challenges 03.03.2011

The project DETRA is organising a workshop on priorities for road research. The main topic of the workshop is to discuss with the stakeholders the future challenges that need to be addressed to develop the Surface transport ERA. The afternoon sessions will focus on the needs and gaps that must be handeled within the areas of Research infrastructure and research Institutes. The event will take place on 18th March 2011 from 9.30am at the BRRC premises - 21 Fokkersdreed - 1933 Sterrebeek. (see draft agenda below)

If you are interested, please register to the FEHRL website or send an e-mail to 

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 Symposium on thin asphalt layers, road surfaces of the future? 11.02.2011

On Tuesday March 29, 2011, BRRC will host a seminar on the results of the OPTHINAL (Optimization Thin Asphalt Layers) project.  This project investigated how the choice of materials and mix design can affect the performance of Thin Asphalt Layers.

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 Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding 09.02.2011

Innovation UnionThe European Commission has presented a Green Paper proposing major changes to the EU research and innovation funding. The purpose  is to make participation easier, increase the scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money.  The proposed changes, to be introduced in the next EU budget after 2013, would bring together the current Framework Programme for research, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme, and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

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 DRI projects on low rolling resistance road in national press 01.02.2011

Danish Road Institute of the Danish Road DirectorateBjarne Schmidt of the Danish Road Institute has been interviewed for Danish newspaper Politiken ( .  The Danish Road Institute issued a press release on the background.

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