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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 ERA-NET ROAD Conference on Climate Adaptation 28.10.2010

REMINDER In 2007, four research projects - RIMAROCC, IRWIN, SWAMP and P2R2C2 - were let by the “Road Owners Getting to Grips with Climate Change” Project Executive Board (PEB) of the ERA-NET ROAD Programme. At the conclusion of this programme, a final conference is being organised on 8 & 9 December 2010, in Cologne, Germany to present the findings and recommendations. The event will expose practical outputs that can be applied across Europe, and will be important in facilitating the understanding of this research across the funding member states. FEHRL is organising the event in collaboration with the German Federal Highway Research Institute, BASt. The conference is free of charge and will be held in English. For those who cannot attend, on 9 December a one-way live streaming presentation of the introduction and projects presentations (10:30-12:45) and plenary (15:45-16:45) will be available (link). Please tick the item on the registration to be contacted for. INVITATION + Draft Programme + Registration link (.pdf).

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 Young Researchers Seminar 2011 call for abstracts and tutors 21.10.2010

The Young Researchers Seminar will be held on 8-10 June 2011, at the Danish Technical University, in Copenhagen (Denmark). The common vision for the Seminar is the preparation of a new generation of transport scientists and science based professionals in the area of transport. Five domains have been chosen for the submission of abstracts: 1. Transport economics, policy and transport behaviour, 2. Transport sustainability and environment, 3. Transport safety,  4. Intelligent transport systems (ITS), and 5. Transport Civil and Road Engineering. Rail and traffic will also be considered and abstracts are welcomed. The deadline for submission of abstracts and nomination of tutors is November 26, 2010. For more information: YRS2011 Letter (.pdf), More About YRS11.

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 FEHRL Participation in the European Road Safety Day 18.10.2010

On 13 October 2010, the third European Road Safety Day took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. FEHRL president, Mr. Joris Al, was part of the panel during the third and final session on safety of road infrastructure. Mr. Al’s presentation, “Contribution to Road Safety by Infrastructure” highlighted the need for knowledge transfer and the role FEHRL can play in this transfer. He further presented slides on the Pilot4Safety and Forever Open Road projects. More...

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 PILOT4SAFETY Newsletter #1 18.10.2010

A PILOT4SAFETY newsletter will be published and released tri-yearly to provide the latest project news, happenings, events, and results. The first issue of the PILOT4SAFETY newsletter is available for download here.

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 Press Release | Tools for Forecasting the Impact of Climate Change on Road Infrastructures 07.10.2010

1 October 2010 - Road authorities were interested in a common way of estimating and prioritizing mitigation efforts/measures to identify and prevent problems with road infrastructure, caused by climate change. The European projects SWAMP, RIMAROCC, P2R2C2, and IRWIN were commissioned to do just that. The principal focus of these projects were on evaluating the impact of climate change on road infrastructure, determining methods for calculating costs and benefits of adaptation measures, and risk management. The results will be presented at the ERA-NET ROAD Conference in early December 2010.

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