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  The scope of this report is to survey road and other industry by-products used in road construction and rehabilitation in the Central and East European countries (CEE countries). The report was prepared in the frame of the SAMARIS project by Working Group 6 (WP 6). On the basis of this report a set of technical recommendations dealing with road and other industry by-products use in road construction and rehabilitation will be prepared (as activity of WP 6) Technical Recommendations will serve as a technical guide helping the administration bodies and road contractors in CEE countries. The report was prepared on the basis of a WP 6 questionnaire. The questionnaire was the same as the OECD one, on the base of which the OECD report “Recycling strategies for roadwork” was prepared in the year l997. Therefore, some parts of the report are formally similar.
content link: http://www.fehrl.org/index.php?m=32&mode=download&id_file=926
content language: English
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 pavement engineering
 construction materials
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construction companies 
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created: Sylvia Derveaux, 11.05.2009 16:05:00
last modified: Sylvia Derveaux, 01.04.2010 18:12:00