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Environmental assessment of passenger transportation should include infrastructure and supply chains     0 4448 04.05.2011
  To appropriately mitigate environmental impacts from transportation, it is necessary for decision makers to consider the life-cycle energy use and emissions. Most current decision-making relies on analysis at the tailpipe, ignoring vehicle production, infrastructure provision, and fuel production required for support. We present results of a comprehensive life-cycle energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and selected criteria air pollutant emissions inventory for automobiles, buses, trains, and airpl ...[more]
NR2C - Specifications and preliminary concepts for the design of multimodal streets     0 4369 23.07.2009
  The present report is organized in 4 main parts: the first one raises the various stakes of street design; the second one presents a systemic approach to street production and locate the role of current, implicit and unchallenged street models; the third one exposes a set of design operators that may help urbanists and researchers to conceive new models of street; the fourth and last part deals with first applications of these tools: the construction of a street forms classification and the ...[more]
State-of-the-art regarding poroelastic road surfaces [Deliverable D8.1 - WP 8 Information Management of PERSUADE Project]     0 2482 20.04.2010
  State-of-the-art regarding poroelastic road surfaces / Sandberg, U., Goubert, L., Biligiri, K.P., et al. Linköping ; Brussels : Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) ; Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC), 2010 Recycling (Mater) ; Tyre ; Surface texture ; Noise ; Vibration ; Europe ; Sustainability The concept of using a poroelastic material as a pavement material was invented and patented the first time in Sweden more than 30 years ago. However, intensive research did not start ...[more]
Fuel savings on a heavy vehicle via aerodynamic drag reduction     0 2331 07.04.2010
  In this numerical study, the fuel-saving potentials of drag-reducing devices retrofitted on heavy vehicles are analysed. Realistic on-road operations are taken into account by simulating typical driving routes on long-haul and urban distributions; variations in vehicle weight are also considered. Results show that the performance of these aerodynamic devices depend both on their functions and how the vehicles are operated. Vehicles on long-haul routes generally save twice as much fuel as those d ...[more]
Multichannel Ground Penetrating Radar as a Tool for Monitoring of Road and Bridge Structures     0 2428 26.04.2010
  Czech Science Foundation project No. 103/09/1499: Multichannel Ground Penetrating Radar as a Tool for Monitoring of Road and Bridge Structures, is solved by CDV-Transport Research Centre (2009 - 2011). The main aim of the project is a verification of potential of multichannel ground penetrating radar (GPR) as a non-destructive tool for detection of road defects and bridge defects. Project is focused on design and practical verification of test procedures for: -detection of voids under roadba ...[more]
Waves and Vibrations in Soils     0 2556 27.04.2010
  The main scientific and engineering goal of this book is to deal simultaneously with soil dynamics/vibrations and wave propagation in soils (including seismic waves). These various fields are generally considered in separate disciplines such as earthquake geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, mechanics, geophysics, seismology, numerical modelling, etc. The objective of the book is to offer in a single publication an overview of soil dynamics and wave propagation in soils with emphasis on ...[more]
Principles for evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of asphalt and cement technologies used for construction of pavements at motorways and first class roads     0 2319 28.04.2010
  This guideline of the Ministry of transport of the Czech Republic is one result of R&D project No. 1F55B/090/120: Rigid pavements – new construction, repair and reconstruction technologies, comparison with flexible pavements and long term monitoring. The purpose of the guideline is to compare and evaluate pavement structures with asphalt courses and with cement courses and summarise all viewpoints used during selection of proper pavement type. Except for construction costs the other aspect ...[more]
PREVENT system     0 2264 18.04.2011
  There are many locations with occurrence of accidents in the Czech Republic and we can notice unreasonable numbers of casualties and damage to health or property there. Thorough analysis of statistic data from PÈR (Czech police) made by Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i. (Transport Research Centre - public research institution) can confirm this phenomenon. Due to the current economic situation in the Czech Republic it is not possible to ensure efficient traffic surveillance only by means of ...[more]
mobile station     0 2279 07.09.2010
  In April 2007, Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i. was appointed to coordinate a project CONGMAN – Effective traffic flow management of congestions on motorways and dual carriageways with the use of ITS. The project is assigned by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic as a R&D project. In the first stage of the project, the research team (CDV, Brno University of Technology, and HIT Hofman s.r.o.) has developed an intelligent transport system for effective traffic flow manage ...[more]
Synthèse du plan stratégique 05-09     0 2282 15.06.2010
  Les membres du Comité Exécutif (CE) ont approuvé la proposition du groupe ad hoc du Plan Stratégique d’écrire un rapport final sur le Plan Stratégique (PS1). L’objectif de ce document est de laisser un legs écrit et de résumer les expériences acquises pendant la période du PS1 : 2005 -2009. Ce document sera un outil utile pour des références futures et mettra un terme final au premier plan stratégique de la CEDR. Le premier PS 2005-2009 fut lancé par le Conseil (CA) de la CEDR &agra ...[more]
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