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Accelerated load testing of pavements. HVS-NORDIC tests in Sweden 1999     0 4600 23.07.2009
  In 1997 Finland and Sweden jointly invested in a Heavy Vehicle Simulator, HVS, from South Africa. After the first period in Finland the HVS-NORDIC was moved to Sweden and VTI in Linkoping in September 1998. A program for research co-operation in the area of accelerated pavement testing has been agreed between Finland and Sweden covering the years 1997–2003. The general objective of the research co-operation is to learn more about pavement response and pavement performance. A second but most ...[more]
Effects of winter road maintenance     4.5 4534 01.04.2010
  This report is an account of a documentary study concerning the effects of various weather and road conditions (friction) and winter road maintenance measures. Swedish studies are emphasised as well as accident investigations. A total of 115 references are included. Ice and snow on streets and roads create problems for those who use them. To minimize these problems, road maintenance personnel undertake operative measures such as snow removal and measures to counteract slippery roads (salti ...[more]
Real-Time Video Relay for UAV Traffic Surveillance Systems Through Available Communication Networks     0 2427 06.07.2010
  The unmanned aerial vehicle can be an efficient and economical solution to real-time surveillance of highway traffic. This paper describes a data link that connects the camera onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle to the monitoring terminals in the office of the Michigan Department of Transportation. A video signal captured by the surveillance camera can be either displayed on the terminals in real time, or stored on ground for future off-line analysis. The video signal is relayed via available mo ...[more]
Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Traffic Surveillance and Traffic Management     0 2506 06.07.2010
  The ATSS study somewhat demonstrated an innovative approach to apply ITS technology through surveillance, data collection, and data transmission. Use of UAVs in data collection and other tasks can be expected to dramatically improve traffic management and incident management, forest fire surveillance, and law enforcement initiatives. Lessons learned can be utilized by a variety of agencies as they expend resources to manage transportation, emergency management, disasters (both manmade and natur ...[more]
Distance entre Véhicules     0 2277 08.07.2010
  Une révision des règles et des pratiques concernant la distance entre deux véhicules qui se suivent sur les routes a été effectuée en 2007 et en 2008 par les membres du groupe technique Sécurité Routière de la CEDR. Des réponses aux questions ci-après ont été demandées aux Etats Membres : - Y a-t-il un règlement pour les distances entre les véhicules dans votre pays? - Si oui, quel est-il (e.g. rester au moins à 2 secondes derrière un autre véhicule)? ...[more]
Road Data Performance and Indicator     0 2295 09.07.2010
  This report summarises the activities engaged in as part of Tasks M3 (Road Data) and M8 (Performance Indicators) during CEDR’s first Strategic Plan (2005-2009) and as such represents the final report on Tasks M3 and M8. The purpose of Tasks M3 and M8 was to address the increasing requests made to CEDR member states to provide information, to the European Commission (EC) and others, about the performance of their road networks and to address inconsistencies in the data and referencing info ...[more]
Données Routières et Indicateurs de Performances     0 2295 09.07.2010
  Le présent rapport résume les activités entamées dans le cadre des Tâches M3 (Données routières) et M8 (Indicateurs de performance) au cours du premier Plan Stratégique 2005-2009 de la CEDR, et il constitue en tant que tel le rapport final sur les Tâches M3 et M8. Les Tâches M3 et M8 avaient pour but de répondre à la nécessité, croissante pour les États membres de la CEDR, qu’ils fournissent à la Commission et à d’autres instances des informations sur les ...[more]
EU funds for Roads     0 2601 09.06.2011
  The European Union (EU) allocates the major part of its total budget for the development of road networks and other relevant interventions to its member states. In the period 2000–2006, the total amount allocated to road-related projects was €35 billion; 77% of this amount was allocated to its member states (approx. €27 billion) and 23% (approx. €8 billion) to other non-EU countries worldwide. Similarly, in the period 2007–2013, about €40 billion (87% of its total ...[more]
Fonds de l'UE pour les routes     0 2339 09.07.2010
  L’Union européenne (UE) affecte la plus grande partie de son budget total à la réalisation de réseaux routiers et à la mise en place d’autres interventions pertinentes au sein des États membres. Pendant la période 2000-2006, l’enveloppe totale affectée aux projets afférents aux routes s’élevait à 35 milliards d’euros, 77% de cette somme étaient réservés aux États membres, soit environ 27 milliards d’euros et 23%, soit environ 8 milliards d ...[more]
VMS harmonisation in Europe     0 2415 13.07.2010
  Background Variable Message Signs (VMS) inform road users and manage traffic flow. They are becoming more widespread and are growing in importance. While primarily designed to serve the nationals of each country, VMS need to be understood by road users of all nationalities to be fully effective. Also needed is a continuity of operation across state boundaries. Increasing use of the network and further developments in network operation will increase the pressure to develop a strategy for dealing ...[more]
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