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Evaluation of a sleepiness warning system - a test track study     0 4101 18.04.2011
  Sleep related crashes have received increasing attention over the past decade. Driver support systems that are able to detect sleepiness and warn the driver could be a potential countermeasure to reduce sleepiness related crashes. The aim of this study was to evaluate a warning system in an experimental investigation performed in a real time car driving application. An additional aim was also to examine the suitability of using an experimental vehicle at test track for evaluation of a sleepiness ...[more]
Acceptance testing for road surface monitoring vehicles in Finland     0 3854 23.07.2009
  VTI has carried out acceptance testing of companies that would like to do road surface monitoring in Finland. This has been done on commission of the Finnish Road Administration. This kind of acceptance testing has been done in Sweden by VTI in cooperation with the Swedish Road Administration several times (four times). With the experience of the tests in Sweden a test method adjusted for the Finnish needs have been composed. The purpose of the method is to accept or reject the participating com ...[more]
Automatic analysis of eye tracker data     0 4875 01.04.2010
  The movements of a person's eyes are an interesting factor to study in different research areas where attention is important, for example when driving. In 2004 the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) introduced Simulator III – their third generation of driving simulators. Inside Simulator III a camera based eye tracking system is installed that records the eye movements of the driver. To be able to be used, the raw data from the eye tracking system needs to be analyzed a ...[more]
The effects of long and heavy trucks on the transport system     5 3701 23.07.2009
  Trucks up to 25.25 metres in length and weighing up to 60 tonnes are permitted in domestic traffic in Sweden. This deviates from the EU standard, according to which trucks are not to be longer than 18.75 metres or weigh more than 40 tonnes. The Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications has commissioned VTI to study what economic consequences this deviation has had for Sweden and to describe the competition interface between road and rail transport. The effects on transport ...[more]
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in passenger cars and methods for assessment of traffic saftey impact     0 4051 23.07.2009
  The background of this study is that many so called Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are currently developed and introduced in passenger vehicles aiming at providing increased traffic safety. This provides a need to assess and evaluate the traffic safety effect of these systems. This report highlights how the effects of these systems on the traffic safety are evaluated and gives a review of some ITS that currently (2007) can be found in the car fleet. The method that has been used in the lite ...[more]
The traffic safety situation among foreign born in Sweden – Based on eight road user population zones     0 4067 23.07.2009
  Road traffic crashes are identified as a world wide public health problem. Prognoses by WHO suggest these crashes to constitute the third most common reason for fatalities and disabilities in 2020. However, the crash risk varies from country to country. Previous research concerning foreign born within the Swedish road transport system shows an overrepresentation of crash involvement for this group. In order to identify the nature of the problem and to be able to compare crash involvement among ...[more]
Traffic safety measures and observance. Compliance with speed limits, seat belt use and driver sobriety     0 4113 23.07.2009
  On behalf of the Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis (SIKA) the effect on traffic safety has been estimated regarding a complete obser¬vance of the laws concerning existing speed limits, the use of seat belt and to be sober as a car driver. The observance of the law varies among the three measures. The observance of the speed limits is low and the observance of soberness is high. Less observance of the speed limits result a little change for the worse of the traffic saf ...[more]
Traffic safety measures     0 3514 04.05.2011
  On behalf of the Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis (SIKA) the effect on traffic safety has been estimated regarding a complete obser¬vance of the laws concerning existing speed limits, the use of seat belt and to be sober as a car driver. The observance of the law varies among the three measures. The observance of the speed limits is low and the observance of soberness is high. Less observance of the speed limits result a little change for the worse of the traffic s ...[more]
Young novice drivers, driver education and training. Literature review     0 3080 23.07.2009
  A great many people are killed or seriously injured in road traffic every year, which constitutes a major public health problem. Considering the rapid progress being made in developing different road safety measures, new knowledge must be spread more quickly and be put into application, first and foremost by system designers, but also by others in positions of responsibility within the road safety sector. One fast and cost-effective means of finding out where research stands today is to systemat ...[more]
The performance of wet visibility road marking – final report on Provväg 1998–2000     0 4048 23.07.2009
  The poor visibility of road markings in the dark and wet is a well known problem. In rainy weather, a reflective water surface is often formed on the surface of road markings, with the result that the light from the vehicle is reflected away from, instead of towards, the vehicle. This is the reason that conventional flat road markings can be hardly seen in the dark when it rains. In a European project (COST 331) it has been stated that longitudinal road markings should be visible not less th ...[more]
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