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Noise management and abatement     0 2448 15.06.2010
  Noise is an important factor to be considered when it comes to developing, upgrading, and maintaining national road networks in Europe. Examples of such activities are included in this report. In some EU member states, significant financial resources are used to incorporate noise abatement measures into the development or upgrading of national roads. Therefore, there is a need to optimise and improve the way such resources are used. One way to ensure this is to encourage member states to sha ...[more]
Gestion et Reduction du Bruit     0 2285 06.07.2010
  Le bruit est un facteur important à prendre en compte au moment de développer, de remettre à niveau et d’entretenir les réseaux de routes nationales en Europe. Des exemples des activités précitées figurent dans le présent rapport. Certains États membres de l’UE mobilisent des ressources financières importantes pour intégrer des dispositifs de réduction du bruit dans le développement et la modernisation de leurs routes nationales. Il est par conséquent nécessa ...[more]
Shoulder & Median Rumble Street     0 2220 06.07.2010
  A review of literature on rumble strips was performed in 2007 by the members of CEDR’s TG Road Safety. Member states were asked to answer the following questions: 􀂾 Does your country have any experience with rumble strips (noisy strips along the road to warn drowsy or inattentive drivers)? 􀂾 What is the main source of information on rumble strips in the context of their impact on road safety, technology, efficiency, cost etc.? This paper sums up the answers received f ...[more]
Bandes rugueuses médianes et latérales     0 2146 06.07.2010
  Un recensement de la littérature sur les bandes rugueuses a été réalisé en 2007 par le groupe technique “Sécurité Routière”. Des réponses aux questions suivantes furent demandées aux Etats Membres: 􀂾 Votre pays dispose-t-il d’expériences en matière de bandes rugueuses (bandes rugueuses bruyantes le long des routes afin de prévenir des automobilistes assoupis ou distraits)? 􀂾 Quelles sont les principales sources d’informations en ce qui c ...[more]
Safe Distance between Vehicle     0 2114 06.07.2010
  A review of the rules and practices concerning the safe distance between two vehicles on roads was performed in 2007 and 2008 by members of CEDR’s TG Road Safety. Member states were asked to answer the following questions: - Is there a regulation that governs the safe distance between vehicles in your country? - If so, what are the rules (e.g. leave at least 2 seconds following distance to the vehicle in front)? 􀂾 Have you experienced any problems enforcing these rules? This ...[more]
Longer and/or Longer and Heavier Goods Vehicles (LHVs) a Study of the Effects if Permitted in the UK: Final Report     4 2462 15.06.2010
  Goods vehicles that are longer and/or longer and heavier (abbreviated as LHVs in this report) than those currently permitted in the UK are in use, under trial, or being considered, in a number of countries both within the European Union (EU) and elsewhere. The European legislation that controls the maximum dimensions of vehicles, and the maximum weight that guarantees free circulation within the EU, permits trials and the use of these vehicles under certain strict conditions. The legislation is ...[more]
Models for Permanent Deformation for Bituminous Bound Materials in Flexible Pavement (SAMARIS)     0 4453 04.05.2011
  This report deals with models for the prediction of permanent deformation behaviour of bituminous materials. In regard to the aim of the pavement stream of the SAMARIS project - to encourage the use of recycled and secondary materials in pavements by detailing how such materials shall be selected and tested in order to secure satisfactory performance, environmentally as well as functionally – it has to be pointed out that the models described in the present report are applicable for conven ...[more]
Results of a field study on a driver distraction warning system     0 3741 02.02.2010
  An extended field study on driver distraction and drowsiness was conducted in an instrumented vehicle, which was equipped with an eye tracker and other sensors. This report focuses on the findings concerning driver distraction. Seven participants used the car just as their own car during a period of one month each. During the baseline phase, which comprised of the first ten days of the trial the distraction warnings were deactivated. During the treatment phase, consisting of the remaining 20 day ...[more]
Night-time traffic in urban areas - A literature review on road user aspects     0 4619 18.04.2011
  Human vision is not well adapted to night-time conditions. Hence, road users need technical solutions, such as street lighting and retroreflective materials, in order to be able to drive, cycle or walk safe at night. Night-time traffic implies some certain problems, for example glare and difficulties with detecting obstacles and estimating distances. Different groups of road users have different prerequisites and needs, and the problems encountered may thus vary. In order to improve traffic safe ...[more]
Transport effects of IMO's more stringent emission reguirements – Model calculations on behalf of the Swedish Maritime Administration     0 3448 23.07.2009
  The Swedish Government has commissioned the Swedish Maritime Administration to assess the consequences of the new rules for airborne emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from maritime transport, adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in October 2008. On behalf of the Swedish Maritime Administration, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) has shed light on whether the IMO’s more stringent emission requirements in the SOx Emission Control ...[more]
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