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The influence of tyre wear and ageing on tyre/road noise emission and rolling resistance     5 4279 11.05.2009
  Most published tyre/road noise tests have been made on new or nearly new tyres. Tyre testing with reference to the EU Directive 2001/43/EC or the ECE Regulation 117 is always made on brand new, albeit run-in, tyres. Reference tyres for road surface testing must be in new or almost new condition. Yet, substantially worn tyres are more frequent on our roads and streets than new or almost new tyres. Only a few investigations have addressed the basic problem of how and to what extent tyre wear influ ...[more]
Improved regulation policy for noise emission from the vehicle/tyre/road interaction     5 4834 11.06.2009
  Tyre/road noise was identified already more than a decade ago as one of the most severe environmental nuisances in Europe [Com, 1996]. Since then, there are reasons to believe that the situation regarding tyre/road noise is even worse [FEHRL, 2006-1]. It reduces the quality of life for hundreds of millions of Europeans; for many millions it even provides potential health hazards. Recently published research claims that noise from rail and road transport is linked to 50,000 fatal heart attacks ev ...[more]
SAMARIS - Review of the state of art in road and other industry by-product use in road construction and rehabilitation in the Central and East European Countries     0 3973 01.04.2010
  The scope of this report is to survey road and other industry by-products used in road construction and rehabilitation in the Central and East European countries (CEE countries). The report was prepared in the frame of the SAMARIS project by Working Group 6 (WP 6). On the basis of this report a set of technical recommendations dealing with road and other industry by-products use in road construction and rehabilitation will be prepared (as activity of WP 6) Technical Recommendations will serve as ...[more]
Low-noise surfaces for urban roads and streets     5 4422 12.05.2009
  The major objective of this part of the SILENCE project was to develop and test concepts for low-noise pavements for urban roads and streets. This report presents the results of this work, with the exception of work reported already in Deliverables F.D1 and F.D2. As part of Work Package WP F1 of the SILENCE project, new pavement concepts have been developed and some others have been refined. The work has included the following topics which are dealt with in this report: • Noise from ...[more]
Overview of technologies and systems to detect pavement discontinuities including assessment of importance to noise reduction     5 4399 12.05.2009
  Pavement discontinuities in urban areas contribute to local noise emission, which is related to the type of discontinuity (pavement equipments or surface distresses) and their level of severity. After evaluation of the different discontinuities that can be encountered on the urban road network, three different measuring procedures are detailed in order to quantify an acoustic indicator ΔL(Disc) representative of the discontinuities effects. After validation of the various experimental tec ...[more]
State-of-the-art noise classification of urban road surfaces     3 4514 12.05.2009
  This report aims at providing the most recent state-of-the-art of classifying road surfaces with respect to their influence on traffic noise in preparation to the development of a proposal for such a classification that would be adapted to urban conditions. ...[more]
Noise classification methods for urban road surfaces - User manual: Measurement methods     5 4647 11.06.2009
  The aim of this document is to • Discuss new and existing methods for determining the influence of road surfaces on road traffic noise emission • Point out the restrictions and special considerations that result from the application in urban surroundings • Provide a guideline for measuring the noise emission characteristics of urban road surfaces to the partners in SILENCE and for future use ...[more]
Guidelines for low-noise road surface maintenance and rejuvenation     0 4823 12.05.2009
  The maintenance of low-noise road surfaces requires special consideration both of the parameters involved and the methods used. If pavement management takes into account the noise emission parameters of road surfaces, they can act as efficient noise abatement measure especially in urban environments. The noise output of both low-noise and ordinary road surfaces changes over time and is influenced by maintenance operations. For ordinary pavements, the focus must be to preserve and not compromise ...[more]
Effectiveness and Benefits of Traffic Flow Measures on Noise Control     5 3430 13.05.2009
  Traffic flow measures are usually implemented to improve traffic flow, traffic safety and/or to environmentally improve a neighborhood. The latter may include noise considerations, but it is seldom the main issue when establishing traffic calming, home zones and similar initiatives which may reduce the traffic volumes on streets and in areas with dwellings. In some cases the response of those living along the road may be that the noise situation has in fact deteriorated when various traffic ...[more]
Effectiveness and Benefits of Traffic Flow Measures on Noise Control     0 4847 13.05.2009
  Traffic flow measures are usually implemented to improve traffic flow, traffic safety and/or to environmentally improve a neighborhood. The latter may include noise considerations, but it is seldom the main issue when establishing traffic calming, home zones and similar initiatives which may reduce the traffic volumes on streets and in areas with dwellings. In some cases the response of those living along the road may be that the noise situation has in fact deteriorated when various traffic ...[more]
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